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I hope you and your family are well. These have been trying times and we are now about to take on the challenge of our first COVID winter. We look forward to the day when we can get together with our friends and relatives and celebrate the fact that Canada has emerged through this period as a strong united country, and hopefully in some small way has set an example to much of the world to show how a civilized country can cope with adversity and still be a place that others admire. The pandemic has exposed some flaws in our society; some of our citizens (seniors, low income groups) have paid too big a price, but we have managed to engage in civil discourse (unlike some other countries) and there is no doubt in my mind that no matter what our opinions may be on specific issues, we are united in our wish to make this a better country and a better world for our children and grandchildren.

This is not the time to shout out how well Trinity is doing, as that would be displaying a serious lack of empathy, so I will simply say that we have gone about our business, tried to provide good service, and hope we can continue to serve you as we move forward.

It has been a few months since I reached out to you, and we have had some developments that you may find interesting.

  • We have a new National Business Development Manager, Samantha Cooper. If you have not already heard from her, you will in the near future. If you have any questions about anything Trinity is doing, she can be reached at 647-409-7711 or
  • Sarah Suschkov was promoted to AVP Specialty Lines. She’s done a great job for us and deserves the recognition. She can be reached at or While she is responsible for all Specialty Lines, she has expertise in Medical Products which has been of particular help to many of our brokers in the past few months.
  • Our Trinity Sports division is growing rapidly, under the direction of Tiziana Seabrook. Feel free to reach out to her at 289-237-0909 or
  • We are pleased that Michael Phillippo and Timothy Cheng have recently joined us as Senior underwriters in our E & O and Technology Divisions. They both bring many years of experience and have strengthened the team. Michael can be reached at 416-306-2856 or and Timothy at 416-363-2322 or
  • Ruth Ng started with us last month as Manager, Financial Lines. She is helping us expand our Directors and Officers Liability appetite (Primary and Excess) at a time when capacity in that line is shrinking. She is also working with me to launch a new product for Mergers and Acquisitions insurance (also known as Reps and Warranties cover). While this is available for large corporations with minimum premiums of $150,000 and up, we will be focusing on small business, and deals of under $20,000,000, a niche that is completely underserved at the moment. We will be sending out more on this in the near future. Ruth can be reached at 416-363-3423 or
  • We are happy that George Zhu has joined us as our Controller. With many years experience in similar jobs, he is a great addition to our management team.

Like many of you, for us the pandemic has been a mixed experience from a business perspective. We have discovered it is not as difficult to work remotely as we thought, but at the same time, it has created difficulties on the service and sales side, and we are working hard to improve in these areas. If there is anything we are not doing to your satisfaction, please let us know and I encourage you to contact me at or at

Best Regards,
