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I hope you and your family and staff are well at this time. Trinity is, of course, open for business and working remotely. Please feel free to call me personally at 416-363-3431 or email if there’s anything I can help you with. Contact info for all our staff is on our website.

I do want to give you a gentle reminder that Trinity is very comfortable insuring any kind of Medical Equipment or Drug Exposure. If you have a client who is thinking of becoming involved in the medical products field by repurposing its production facilities, it’s possible their current insurer might be nervous about that. Trinity is happy to insure the medical exposures alone, and have your client’s main insurance remain in place with it’s preferred carrier or we can tailor coverage as required. Exposures to worry about are Product Liability, Product Recall, and Errors and Omissions.

If you have any questions about this, please contact Sarah Suschkov, who heads up our Specialty lines operation, and has a background in the medical field, or myself.

Stay well and as George Harrison said, “all things must pass”.

